Writers' Treasure Creative Writing Tips Who Else Wants to Master the Creative Writing Skills?

Who Else Wants to Master the Creative Writing Skills?

So you now know about the creative writing skills, and want to master them too, but don’t know how?

Not to worry. These creative writing skills are easy to grasp, easy to know, and easy to master.

(Note: Of course for every person these skills may not be easy to master. Someone will find them easy, and some other person may find them as hard as climbing Mt. Everest. It depends on how hard you are willing to work).

With the disclaimer out of the way, let’s get to the real stuff: let’s learn how to master talent, the most important creative writing attribute!

I hear you saying, “Talent? We can’t master talent. It’s inborn.”

That’s true, but how about a nifty little trick to ensure that you never have to worry about talent even if you don’t have a single ounce of it?

Ready? Let’s get to it, then. 😀

Talent – what to do about it

With talent, people say either you have it, or you don’t. As I said before, that may be true to a certain extent (to a large extent actually) but that shouldn’t put off those who think they don’t have any talent. Get ready for a controversial statement…

Talent helps, but it’s not essential in writing.

What is talent if not love of one’s craft? ~ Melissa Donovan

Some people are naturally talented. They don’t find writing hard. They have a natural flair, and they produce superb work working less than what we normal people do. There’s another term for these people: God-gifted. They make everything look easy, even when it isn’t.

And then there are those who have to work hard to reach their goals. Who don’t consider themselves talented. In fact, people don’t read their work because they’re talented, and they don’t not read your work because you’re talented. Talent almost doesn’t matter here, simply because it’s not important. And why is that?

Those people work hard and write things which people want to read. They practise. They continue to improve their writing. They avoid making the common mistakes which is the sign of any amateur writer. And when they do that, people don’t worry about talent. It assumes secondary importance.

Here’s what to do if you don’t have talent

Simply love your craft. As in that amazing quote by Melissa Donovan of Writing Forward. Although talent is largely inborn, people who love writing (read: really love writing) are often more likely to succeed out there than those who consider it as a “task,” a “drudgery” or another “job.” If you hate writing, obviously people are not going to call you talented. Talented writers love their craft.

The best way to love writing? What a question. Write more. Write even more than anything you can imagine. Cut away the myths and the barriers preventing you from writing. I guarantee… if you do this you will really find a liking, a wanting to write, to express feelings, thoughts or anything you’d like.

I don’t consider myself as a particularly gifted writer, but yet, when people discover my age (if you didn’t know I’m 14 years old) and read my writing they’re always impressed. And why? Not because I’m an expert in writing. (Which I’m not, by the way). Just because I love doing it, I find value in it, and I love expressing my thoughts through this medium.

How to master persistence and patience

This is not like talent. These are skills. These are common sense virtues. Stop being impatient. Accept the fact that the creative writing process will take a lot of time. Accept the fact that you won’t likely get published as soon as possible. Accept even that this could get up to years. And accept even that you may not get rewards for this.

Don’t let that stop you, though. Keep trying. Keep persisting. Innovate. Find out new ways to get better. Discover what makes certain writers stand out from the pack. Try, try, and be yourself. In the end, it’s all about standing out from the crowd. If you’re unique, you’ll have a better chance of success. Even if you’re teeny-tiny special, you may have better odds.

Of course this process takes a lot time. Of course it may not always be a return on your investment. Of course a lot of your writing will not be published.

But for real writers… the above facts are only realistic. They don’t let these stop them from spinning their favourite tale, enchanting you with their poems and quite simply… WOW-ing you. You have to learn how to create that feeling in your readers’ minds, and of course this is not easy. That’s what I am here, of course. (To go along with you seeking the pillar of success).

How to master imagination, ability to face criticism and technical ability

What am I saying, master imagination?! You all have imagination, right? Don’t kid me by saying “no.” Let go of yourself. Be creative. Think, observe the people, and of course the standard advice… read a lot.

Ability to face criticism – now that’s a bit of a hit and miss. Me, I’ve always been lucky to receive only constructive criticism and not any kind of trolls. If you have though, simply move on, and accept the fact that there’s always going to be those kind of people, and the rest are honest, ready to help you.

Technical ability – that’s quite simple. If you know how to use a word processor program (like the standard solution Microsoft Word) then you know how to write on the computer. Future posts will cover web publishing and touch typing, so stay tuned.

Have Your Say

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5 thoughts on “Who Else Wants to Master the Creative Writing Skills?”

  1. Man I hear u in my head. But you forget to include that writers also need readers to also help them read there work from Time to time. Apart from that I hear your palaver well. Please keep updated. Thank you

  2. I love to write and read, I am 31 yrs old and a mother of 8. Writing for me is easy and hard. I have dyslexia, but never allow it to interfere with my love of writing. Even if I have to write rewrite and write it again, because no one can decode my miss spelling at times. I plan to complete some more of the stories I have written and would love to share them with other creative writers. I don’t know my gender of writing or if I’m even using the right form for my writing. I just write whatever story comes to mind.

  3. I love writing with all my heart.Even at break time at school you will find me writing or reading.My friends will ask” don’t you get tired of writing after such a long lecture?” and I will look at them and smile.

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