Writers' Treasure Academic Writing,Magnetic Writing Three ways to balance writing workload for high school students

Three ways to balance writing workload for high school students

It’s a tough time to be a writer if you’re also a high school student (the latter two years of which are also known as junior college in India).

Your academic workload is high, regardless of your choice of specialisation.

Also, as a writer, you’re just starting out. You have no experience. You have potential, but you haven’t attained all the skills yet. You would like to get interested in academic writing, or creative writing, or content writing… but then you can’t decide which field to pursue. Should you pursue creative writing as your main field of writing, or should you look instead at content writing?

Even after you have decided the answers to these questions it’s not over yet. You decide to learn how to write well by gaining information from sources on the Web. A decision made with good intent, but filled with pitfalls. It’s because advice on the Web is often contradictory, confusing or at times not helpful for a particular use case.

Take for example the question of whether to write every day or not. Conventional writing advice for beginners recommends that you write every day. But new advice says that you should write regularly, but it’s not necessary to write everyday. What to believe?

Teen writers in high-school often get discouraged by seeing what a long way there is to climb in the world of writing. According to them, they can’t handle the combined workload of school / college, writing and extracurricular activities.

However, there are few easy tips to help balance the writing workload for these high school students. Let’s look at them one-by-one:

Write regularly, but don’t be stressed if you can’t write every day

It’s fairly obvious that writing regularly has huge benefits. For writers who are starting out at the high school or college level, these benefits include gaining a lot of experience (yes, even if your work isn’t published, you gain writing experience), you learn how to improve your writing, and your brain stops making the same mistakes over and over again.

At the same time, it’s crucial to note that writing every day isn’t going to be realistic for most students at the high school level. What with competitive examinations, full-time hours, and an increasing load of homework, there is not much time left at the end of the day for writing.

The smart conclusion to draw is to write as much as you need to regularly throughout the week, preferably by making a realistic schedule to balance writing with other activities.

Academic performance is more important than writing

Let’s be honest here: writing is important, but academic performance is more important. At the high school level, most writers aren’t at the peak of their career yet. Instead, they have started out and they are interested in learning about the field.

It sounds obvious, but yes, your academic workload is more important than anything you write in your school years (unless it happens to be the next bestseller in any field, but even then, editing a bestseller takes time).

The takeaway? You shouldn’t allow writing to hinder your academic progress. Your academic performance should not suffer because of writing. Take care to ensure a proper balance. If you’re struggling with balance, always put more priority on your academic performance, because there will be a lot of time left for writing later on.

It’s the same problem I used to struggle with in my school years. It took a lot of practice and effective time management to determine that yes, my novel / story / article is very interesting, but it can wait. It can wait until the end of the final examinations, which feature cut-throat competition these days.

Take help from third-parties

Maybe you’re so engrossed in writing that you’ve neglected your studies. It happens.

Your English is excellent, because you make it a point to learn more and more about the intricacies of the English language so that you can write better. But what about other subjects?

What about science, commerce, economics, accountancy, etc? Maybe the situation is that because of your neglect of studies, your lack of attention to important concepts, you can’t understand these subjects anymore.

Now you’re thinking that you’ve got a problem, because your classmates are far ahead in terms of grasping the major concepts.

Not to worry, as there are excellent resources on the Web which you can use. Taking help from third-parties is something you have to do in many circumstances – maybe your professor just doesn’t know the subject very well, maybe these concepts require a lot of practice and you haven’t done any, maybe the methodology of teaching is incorrect… there can be many reasons.

On the Web, there are great resources for calculus homework help, financial accounts homework help, algebra help, geometry help, physics help… the sky is the limit. Use these resources to get back up to speed, and then use them even more to speed ahead of your classmates.


Not everything is as tough as it seems to be.

You want to become a pro writer, and it’s great that you’ve started out at such a young age. Sure, there will be problems. There will be constraints. There will be difficulties.

But with the right amount of knowledge, the right amount of dedication, and the right amount of hard work, it’s not just possible to become a great writer even when you’re still in high-school. It’s highly probable.

DisclosureThis article contains a sponsored link to helphomework.net.

One thought on “Three ways to balance writing workload for high school students”

  1. Thank you! Sometimes I think I have too much writing in college. But the key to successful writing is not to put off writing until the last moment but to do everything gradually. I understand that I don’t always have the inspiration and motivation to write but I try to do everything on time. And the more I write, the better I can do it.

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