We would all like writing to get easier, right?
When your writing medium is the keyboard (typing), though, it gets difficult. Imagine you are hunting and pecking your way across the keyboard with two fingers but then you spot a typo. You correct it. Then you laboriously continue to hunt and peck again. Once again you make mistakes. Then you correct mistakes. While you are correcting the mistakes, your focus is lost and you have to think again for a while, before continuing and in some cases losing your state of concentration.
It’s annoying without a doubt.
It’s because of this reason many writers continue to use the pen and paper for writing. It’s easier, faster for them, and is more creatively-oriented (you can’t press backspace, editing with red pen feels more familiar and effective in some cases etc.)
But be that as it may, there is no denying that writing using pen and paper is inconvenient in this day and age. So what can we do to make typing less annoying, and maybe, even fun?
I’m sure you guessed what I was going to say: the answer is simple. Learn touch typing.
Touch typing is the act of typing without the sense of sight (that is, without looking at the keyboard). It may sound impossible, but it’s not. Essentially, you’re using muscle memory to remember the location of the keys. It involves placement of the eight fingers on the home row of the keyboard (the row which begins with ASDF…). The typist then moves the fingers from the home row to the top and bottom rows for typing and then returns the position of the fingers to the home row for rest.
The major difference from two-fingered hunt-and peck typing is: you can type without looking at the keyboard. As such, this has important advantages which I list below…
But think about it for a second. Imagine you are typing 30 words per minute using hunt-and-peck two fingered typing. You learn touch typing, after weeks of practice, you can type more than 60 words per minute (WPM). Some more months or a year of typing and you get above 75-80 WPM. That’s more than double your original typing speed. And this leads us directly to…
Now, my attention is at the screen. Made a typo? Correct it instantly. Same goes for grammatical and punctuation errors. You can even read what you wrote before moving on to the next paragraph, and see whether it’s good or not. All this while simultaneously consuming less time… win-win.
So let’s recap. You get faster speed, do it in less time, get more things done, get things done better, and all the while, your body is more comfortable if you’re doing everything else (posture, see the previous point) all right. Convinced yet whether you should learn touch typing or not? Because if you are, let’s move on…
There are plenty of touch typing tutorials on the web, so I’m going to recommend you the one from where I learned touch typing. The website has 10 touch typing exercises, so you can get up to the mark quickly. (It takes considerably more time to get comfortable and proficient with it).
In the beginning, of course, things look terrible. Your fingers cause pain because they are not used to it yet. You make lots of mistakes. Your typing speed is worse than your two-fingered one could ever be. So what should you do? Go back to hunt-and-peck?
No. Once you’ve learned touch typing, don’t revert back to two fingered typing in the long run. Of course, there are times and situations where touch typing is not suitable (one-handed typing, for one) but mainly, you should stick to touch typing. It will get better as time goes on and you practise. With practice, everything is conquerable, isn’t it?
I’ve got a solution for that as well. There’s an excellent website out there called 10fastfingers.com where they have a typing test with commonly used English words (mostly lowercase, no punctuation and paragraphs). It’s fun to practise using that test. They even have a ranking system, so be sure to check that out.
Of course, that test is not fully accurate as in real-world typing, we have to deal with uppercase, punctuation and paragraphs as well as numbers, which slows down our typing speed. So if you want to get a strictly accurate picture of how fast you will type in the real world, head over to typingtest.com. They have tests with different passages which contain the whole nine yards (punctuation, upper case, etc.) Bonus: they even have a 3-minute or a 5-minute time limit, which is more flexible than the fixed one minute of 10fastfingers.com.
Takeaway: You should keep practising to improve your typing speed. But there’s an interesting fact: even if you don’t type for a while your speed will increase naturally. Useful when you hit a block or feel that even after effort it’s not increasing. Above all, have fun!
At first, I used two-fingered typing at a strictly average speed (40 WPM). But in January of 2010, I read this post by Daily Blog Tips and was inspired to learn touch typing.
It was tough at times, and I got discouraged more than once. A month or two later, however, I had got the hang of it, even though at that time I was typing just about 20 WPM. Ouch. Not to worry, because about six months later, my typing speed was already high. At that time I then stopped practising and continued typing normally.
A year later my speed was 70 WPM, in early 2012 it rose to 75 WPM and now in mid 2013 I can type above 85 WPM.
During the last two years I didn’t spend a lot of my time on practising to improve my speed, yet it happened. Of course for every person these things are different. But the writing’s on the wall: touch typists type considerably faster than those using two-fingered typing. So come on, join the board!
In this article, I have used the words “two-fingered typing” and “hunt-and-peck typing” interchangeably. But in reality it’s not like this, because plenty of hybrid methods exist. Some people write using only five fingers but without looking at the keyboard. There are also peck minus hunt methods which don’t require loss of speed. And so on. These methods are known as hybrids.
What can I say? It’s that simple: you should learn touch typing. It won’t be easy, it won’t be fun in the beginning, but the gains are huge.
Is this the longest Writers’ Treasure article ever? Yeah, really. So congratulations, because you’ve arrived at the end. But is it, though? Because one component is missing. And that’s your input. What kind of typist are you: touch or two-fingered or hybrid? What are your typing experiences? What’s your typing speed in WPM? Hit them up in the comments!
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This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest…
This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest…
This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest…
This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest…
This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest…
This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest…
View Comments
You might want to try Typing Races http://typingraces.com
I learnt through http://www.ratatype.com/
I used to visit typingtest.com when I was in college. Sometimes I can type words without looking at the keyboards but only those simple and common words.
At first, I thought touch typing was using the touch keyboard on ipods or smartphones haha
Thanks for teaching! Good insight into this area.
I've learnt using http://TouchTyping.guru where the algorithm automatically takes care of the learning process, you just write ;)
As being one of the millennials, I was born into a world of computers.
No, touch typing wasn't taught to us, neither in school nor home.
Before, I had a speed of about 25-30wpm, using the hunt and peck method, of course.
Later, I taught myself touch typing. In the beginning, the speed was laughable at, but now, people who did that might think twice after seeing my 60wpm and constantly improving speed.
And there is always an added advantage of being able to use the computer in the dark.
: )
The faster you can type, the faster you can complete all of these tasks—and the more productive you can be. Typing remains a fundamental skill, and it is still one of the most important computer skills you can learn. Learning to type fast and accurately will help you in many ways in life, and it should be considered an essential skill for anyone who sees themselves working with a computer in some capacity.
I guess I would consider myself a hybrid typist, having recently reached a speed of about 50 wpm. Successful touch typing is all about knowing the keyboard, using the proper fingering and more. Practice often and work on correcting your weaknesses.
The website that you mentioned is really good. Still useful. But now in 2023, a lot has changed. I am recently using 'Typing Mentor.' They have also an AI feature available to customize the lessons. In case anyone is interested, I am giving the address here for your convenience. Here you go - https://typingmentor.com