Category: Web Writing

Learn tips and strategies of writing for the web

Becoming a Technical Writer: The Good, the Bad, and the RemoteBecoming a Technical Writer: The Good, the Bad, and the Remote

This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest article of your own, be sure to read the guest article guidelines.

When looking to start a career as a technical writer, understanding the general overview of what the job entails and how much you will be making is widely helpful. The best way to create a career that truly fits your lifestyle is to understand the demands of that career field.

This article will discuss some of the important aspects of technical writing, how it differentiates from traditional writing, and some of the pros and cons of choosing the career path.


How to cite sources in content writingHow to cite sources in content writing

This is a guest article by Julia Morison. If you are interested in submitting a guest article of your own, be sure to read the guest article guidelines.

In the quest to making content look legitimate and reliable, we add quotations of experts. In the process, we often end up annoying them. Let me elaborate it further.

When we begin to write an article, we often look for relevant links, quotes, ideas and thoughts of renowned scholars and experts to add. However, what we do wrong is that we do not give them the credit; we simply mention their names at the end of the extracted quote. Such activities discourage many professionals to share their views online.

What you must do is, cite the complete reference along with the link to the site from where you have copied that particular piece of information.

To learn more about proper citation and referencing, check out the different scenarios I have mentioned below:


6 ways for beginners to start in freelance writing6 ways for beginners to start in freelance writing

This is a guest article by Emily Johnson. If you are interested in submitting a guest article of your own, be sure to read the guest article guidelines.

Well, this is a writer’s dream come true, pet subject, etc etc, is it not? This, after all, is what we writers love and are paid to do, this is our livelihood, and we are now teaching others how to follow in our footsteps. Sweet deal? Oh yes.

Writing is not tough, for any one, contrary to what you will be made to believe at certain points. That is so because every person has something to write about, everybody has a story.

You might be thinking, so how is that going to help me write paid articles about say, investing in the stock market? I say, practice. Write more, and then every topic will see the words pouring out of you naturally.

And need I say about how profitable freelance writing is? You are paid and well, you can work from the convenience of your home, and thanks to the diversity of assignment topics, work is never boring. What more could a lover of words ask for, right?

Read on to find how exactly you can break into this mode of earning your living.


The power of touch typing in writingThe power of touch typing in writing

We would all like writing to get easier, right?

When your writing medium is the keyboard (typing), though, it gets difficult. Imagine you are hunting and pecking your way across the keyboard with two fingers but then you spot a typo. You correct it. Then you laboriously continue to hunt and peck again. Once again you make mistakes. Then you correct mistakes. While you are correcting the mistakes, your focus is lost and you have to think again for a while, before continuing and in some cases losing your state of concentration.

It’s annoying without a doubt.

It’s because of this reason many writers continue to use the pen and paper for writing. It’s easier, faster for them, and is more creatively-oriented (you can’t press backspace, editing with red pen feels more familiar and effective in some cases etc.)

But be that as it may, there is no denying that writing using pen and paper is inconvenient in this day and age. So what can we do to make typing less annoying, and maybe, even fun?

I’m sure you guessed what I was going to say: the answer is simple. Learn touch typing.

Tips and tricks to write effectively for web readers – Web Writing 101Tips and tricks to write effectively for web readers – Web Writing 101

You know that web writing is a lot different from print writing.

It’s because web readers are different from print readers.

Why is that, though? What makes web readers different?

Is it because they skim content before reading it (and many times they never read the full content)? Is it because they read headlines first to determine whether the content is any good? Is it because their attention spans are shorter than ever? Or is it a combination of all three?

If you said the last option, congratulations: you’re right.

The fact is: if you want your web writing to be effective web writing, you need to ensure that it follows all the correct requirements which web readers love. But what are they, anyway? Let’s see!

Web Writing vs. Print WritingWeb Writing vs. Print Writing

Before the invention of the World Wide Web, there was only one kind of writing: print writing. All the writing that was done had been done on paper and its alternatives. But the computer changed that, and now we have two types of writing: web writing vs. print writing.

That is all fine, but the question that comes to our mind is: which of them is better, and which should I target?

As with all writing answers, the answer to the first question is: “there is no such thing as ‘better’ in most situations.”

And the answer to the second is: “it depends.”

Now, before you throw something at me, let me elaborate. (That’s what we do here, after all).
