Category: Creative Writing Tips

Creative writing tips and tricks for beginners

Why You Should Write a Compelling Opening ChapterWhy You Should Write a Compelling Opening Chapter

Of all the novels I’ve read, I (and you) prefer those who have a compelling opening chapter. The chapter which draws us in and leads us smoothly throughout the book to the end. If we are not “hooked” by the chapter, we close the book snap shut. Which means the author has failed to do his job.

But you don’t want to be that author. You want your novel (or any form of fiction) to be a bestseller. Widely read. Widely praised. You want your reader to be hooked in. You want him/her to finish the book and not close the book until the last word has been read. You want your book to stand the test of the reader’s patience.

But how do you actually achieve this things?

Why Clarity Matters (In A Way You Don't Know About)Why Clarity Matters (In A Way You Don't Know About)

Imagine for a minute… a person has just arrived to your website. He/she knows what you’re talking about. He/she is an important customer. He/she has a relevant topic. He/she is interested in your content.

You may be all excited now; that now he/she’s going to do something you’d like him/her to do. You want it.

But the reality is harsh. Chances are, after looking at a couple of pages, the person will exit your site, never to return again. He/she was a potential customer, but he/she didn’t buy. He/she didn’t even look around to see if you had any freebies.


Writing and Creating New WorldsWriting and Creating New Worlds

Do you know that feeling when you’ve created a brand new world? Of your very own? It happens to me, sometimes. I’m a hobby writer, and am currently writing a children’s/YA novel (more information on that soon). Well, it isn’t much fun to write books about home and school. At least, not for me! Heck, we already experience such life. We want to escape from school, not have it shoved down our throats! And real-life stories are so boring, anyway….

As a result, the genre Fantasy was born.

What happened in it?

Conflict is Necessary to Make it SpicyConflict is Necessary to Make it Spicy

Get ready for some more writing advice. Today’s post is an important one — for me at least! — and I hope it will be interesting for you.

When you are writing a novel, what is the important thing to consider? Of course there are many important things. I wrote the wrong words. To correct it, I’ll write it again: What is ONE of the most important things to consider when you are writing a novel?