Tag: Editing and Proof Reading

Writing Tip: The Importance of Word CountWriting Tip: The Importance of Word Count

Today’s writing tip is about the importance of word count. Boring word count. How can it matter? Most people don’t even know what it is, and those that do, think it’s just an “aside”. It doesn’t matter.

Or does it?

Let’s get that question out of the way. Yes, word count matters. It is an aside, yes, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t important. The fact that most readers don’t know about your word count doesn’t say that they don’t care. Knowing and caring about something is different, of course. Some people might not know the technical term. Maybe they don’t even think of it. But if you don’t have a suitable word count, hurry. You’ve got to fix it up, and fast.

But first things first: what is a word count?


Proofreading: Catching Contextual Spelling ErrorsProofreading: Catching Contextual Spelling Errors

Before I start, check out my guest post on Daily Writing Tips: To Outline or Not to Outline, That is the Question. If you just came from there, welcome! Read Creative Writing 101, my beginner’s guide to creative writing. Or just read on…

We all know how annoying it is to catch typos. It’s just not cool. If you make one or two of them, you might get away without anyone pointing it out. If you make loads of them, your credibility suffers.

But this article is not about making typos. It’s about catching contextual typing errors, and if that name sounds too technical for you, don’t fear yet. That’s only a name assigned by Microsoft for a new function in Word 2007.

What does it do?
