This is a guest article by Abraham Adekunle. If you want to submit a guest article of your own be sure to read the guest article guidelines.
Writing can seem liberating at first. You sit down at your computer, smuggle your coffee beside your writing materials, and begin the session with an enthusiastic mind.
You are charged. You can pump out a thousand words in 30 minutes. You’re thinking about how those words will change the world, how your readers will be engulfed in the emotion you want them to be in, and how they’ll swiftly take to the internet to write you an email.
But suddenly, the thoughts are all gone. Your fingers type words but delete them almost as fast as they came. Writing that scene in your novel now becomes something only a genius can do. Where did all that enthusiasm go? Where did the thoughts go?
And the worst part, you are sure it’s not writer’s block, because not that you only write, it’s not just coming from your heart.
“Oh God. I know what to say, but not how.”
Being expressionless is what every writer has to face. It teaches how to realize that they have something to say and how to choose what to say.
Now, I strongly believe this feeling is not that of writer’s block and that of writer’s block at the same time. Why? Because it falls into one of the categories of the types of writer’s block there is.
Whine about all other gazillion types of writer’s block, it all boils down to the three above. It’s either you don’t want to write, you don’t know what to write, or you don’t know how to say what you want to say. But that’s not the focus of this article.
Why I strongly believe it’s, at the same time, not a feeling due to writer’s block is that the beginner we’re talking about still gets something done. He still writes. But in reality, he’s just blabbing on the page.
Basically, he lacks the ability to express himself with clarity.
It has once been happening to me. I would write a sentence over and over again, just because I know that what I’ve written isn’t what I wanted to write. So, I wrote a lot of articles and short stories that were verbosity galore.
It wasn’t until recently that I looked back and saw how I’ve overcome it. I don’t know it all, but maybe a little knowledge won’t hurt either.
Let’s look at the possible causes and solutions to this problem.
This is especially true if English isn’t your native language. In order to write economical and engaging prose in English, you have to acquire a fair amount of words that you can use at your disposal. You don’t have to eat a whole dictionary (although, knowing every word will help), a fair share of it will be great.
One way to know that this is the cause of your expressive problem is when you use lots of fillers in your writing, ones that even an amateur writer will catch at first glance. Imagine a writing full of the same set of words without a slight tinge of synonyms. It will show in your writing.
When I started writing, words like stare, glare, gaze, crouch, sigh, sprint, etc., were absent in my dictionary. What resulted was that I found myself stuttering on the page, much like I did in real life at that particular time. I used the word look, bend, exhale loudly, etc. in place of those succinct ones I would have used had I known them.
It’s not that using the latter group of words is wrong but take for example, “bend” wouldn’t do in place of “crouch,” and vice-versa. Bend is when you lower your body from waist up while crouch is sitting on your heels. Can you see how out-of-place that’d be?
But how did I solve this self-imposing problem?
There’s no magic formula to anybody’s writing problem. And sorry if this is going to shock you, it’s hard work. A lot of hard work. Are you still up for it?
Beginning writers came into the writing craft for the love of it. Little did they know that you can’t just pull up a pen and paper and start writing anything. Well, at least, if getting published and known is in view.
Curious, their mind willed them into trying different things. They’re thinking whether they should write fiction or nonfiction. Or whether they should base on military fiction. Or whether they should just muster every ounce of courage in them and proceed to write nonfiction books.
From subject matter to terminology discrepancies to inability to describe a setting vividly, unfamiliarity totally ruins it for not just the ones starting out, but also for those who’s been in the writing business for long.
Like the other causes of the expressive problem, unfamiliarity with a subject also has a solution.
You may fall into this trap if you’re challenging yourself to new heights every day and if, with every writer’s work you read, you work on improving just like him/her. But there’s a difference between challenge and setting unattainable standard.
Think about it this way. The other writer you’re aspiring to be like has to take his/her work through many drafts before you can see the final product. When you compare your first draft with another writer’s final draft, you’re practically telling yourself that you don’t need editing. That is, you want perfect words to flow through your fingers the first time around.
That’s impossible. Even famous writers know that they can’t write perfect words at the first draft stage and editors hire other professional editors to help them with heir work, too.
Worse still, you’re competing in a league where no one’s issued a golden cup and plenty of money. What you should aim for instead are the areas your work needs improvement. And even at that, you’ve gone past the first drafting stage, so you literally need to avoid this while writing.
There’s no other solution than to stop yourself from comparing your work to other people’s work. Don’t read other writer’s works before writing your book. Don’t form the image of your favorite author writing that beloved book.
You have work to do in silencing your inner critic. Your writing career depends on it.
Can you imagine? A writer who started out yesterday wants to write a novella in the point of view of five characters, lace it up with a second person perspective throughout, and then scatter a handful of first-person scenes in every chapter. Are you kidding me?
It’s obvious that many beginner writers start with the advanced technique they read on writing blogs or books or heard in podcasts. That’s the most terrible step to take first for a beginner.
Think of it. A casual guy, thin and short, who’s on cotton trousers and flexible top, complete with a sandal who wants to climb Mount Everest in an hour. Did I hear you giggle? Yet, that’s the perfect illustration a writer is giving if he stubbornly sticks with the advanced methods of writing at first. It’s possible to write your novel in any way, but keep the following in mind.
Everybody knows that there’s no problem in branching out of your comfort zone. But it can be disastrous if you haven’t found your style. Writing style (or writing voice, as it is commonly called) is your own unique way of communicating through written words. It’s like a DNA. That means no other person can write as you do; they’ll only succeed in finding their own voice.
In today’s world of technology, so many things are fighting for your readers’ attention. But if you have found a unique voice and you use it to the fullest, you have a chance at keeping your reader.
The solution to this is to find your own style, first, before branching out into another writing style. I would’ve very, very, very much love to write this article in 3rd person omniscient point of view, but as they would say, “That ain’t my style.”
Matter of fact, I tried writing this very article that way but couldn’t write further than the introduction. But here I am with a unique article because I’m writing it in my style.
Sometimes, it’s not the mumbo-jumbo of the writing world that works against you. Maybe you feel tired the moment you hit the first letter on your keyboard. Or you can sit at your desk for five minutes straight, concentrated on writing. It’s possible that you may have health issues of which one of it may be depression. I’m not an expert but I can say that almost every writer has his or her downtime. But it’s out of hand if it stays longer and longer than normal.
See a qualified health persona. Go for a checkup so that you can know what happened to you. You may well be surprised at how much energized you’ll feel after seeing your doctor.
One of the things you know for sure when you write that story, article, or whatever you want to write, is the satisfaction that you’ll derive from it.
And maybe those words will help someone else.
So start today.
Sit on your chair and start typing sentence by sentence.
Go, my friend, the world needs your words.
Have you tried to express yourself one way or another without success? How did the battle go? Let’s hear your thoughts in the comment section.
Author Bio
Abraham Adekunle is an 18-year-old writer who’s on a mission to teach young writers like himself how to write and self-publish a book without a dime, and making money in the process. You can subscribe to his Young Writers’ Craft newsletter where he shares helpful tips on writing, editing, and self-publishing.
This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest…
This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest…
This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest…
This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest…
This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest…
This is a guest article by Indiana Lee. If you want to submit a guest…
View Comments
nice article Adekunle, I've seen the solution to my writing. how can I visit your blog?
You are the best, if I may say. I've learned a lot. God bless.
Such a great article! Thank a lot!
Development of writer voice is a long long way, but if you brave enough - you're able to overcome it
Great article. The only thing I would suggest is using more "hers" when referring to a reader, writer, etc. Too many "he's" make the article sound extremely misogynistic and one-sided. As a woman, I feel like I don't even exist. Other than that, it really helped a lot because I deal with all of these, usually on a daily basis.
What a brilliant article!! thank you very much .I am gonna do this.
Excellent Post ! Thanks for sharing with us !
Hi Abraham,
Can I write a guest post on your site?
Many thanks