Eight professional secrets of self-editing that make you a great writerEight professional secrets of self-editing that make you a great writer

This is a guest article by Jake Lester. If you want to submit a guest article of your own, be sure to read the guest article guidelines.

It is true that in the field of writing, the act of writing is much more preferred than editing. Everybody frowns on editing. Even so, the sure test to gauge a writer’s skill is to check how proficient they are in editing their own work. This is what is referred to as self-editing, and it’s what separates the mediocre writers from proficient writers.

Let me share eight professional secrets of self-editing that will ultimately make you a Great Writer.


Use an affordable academic writing service to get help with assignments from the best writersUse an affordable academic writing service to get help with assignments from the best writers

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By Ashley Gill

Students know how difficult it is to write an essay. In fact, it’s not only essays.

Academic writing is a necessary component of higher education. It consists of essays, papers, dissertations, etc. The problem is that it takes time, knowledge and skills to excel in academic writing.

If a student studies essay writing in-depth for example, he may excel in it. But then, he still has to learn how to write research papers, solutions to case studies, other writing assignments, etc. At some point, the student has to acknowledge that he may be able to excel in one particular component of academic writing, but to excel in all components would be an extremely difficult task.

He can try to follow the basic tips recommended in academic writing to improve the quality of his papers, essays, etc. He can try to improve his writing skills by reading up on grammar, spelling and punctuation. He can try to write more concisely, and write with proper structure.

But sooner or later, time becomes an issue. Quantity is another issue. Course load and the pressure of deadlines increases the stress. Sooner or later, the student knows that doing it alone is a lonely, difficult task, and he may make the same mistakes again.


7 tips on how to write content that will attract the audience7 tips on how to write content that will attract the audience

This is a guest article by Bria Pierce. If you want to submit a guest article of your own, be sure to read the guest article guidelines.

Content is important for SEO and it is the single best way to attract the attention of customers and keep them engaged. But how are you supposed to create fresh and interesting content when there is so much work to do?

In the constantly changing world, creating quality content is not as easy as you may think. But as challenging as writing content is, it is possible to develop some interesting blog posts, social media posts, videos, and infographics that interest your target audience and drive more traffic.

In fact, you don’t have to be a renowned expert in your field to create good content.

While word count remains a secondary part when creating valuable content, there are a few tricks that will help you create killer content that will rock your audience.


Six causes of a beginner writer’s expressive problem (and what to do about each)Six causes of a beginner writer’s expressive problem (and what to do about each)

This is a guest article by Abraham Adekunle. If you want to submit a guest article of your own be sure to read the guest article guidelines.

Writing can seem liberating at first. You sit down at your computer, smuggle your coffee beside your writing materials, and begin the session with an enthusiastic mind.

You are charged. You can pump out a thousand words in 30 minutes. You’re thinking about how those words will change the world, how your readers will be engulfed in the emotion you want them to be in, and how they’ll swiftly take to the internet to write you an email.

But suddenly, the thoughts are all gone. Your fingers type words but delete them almost as fast as they came. Writing that scene in your novel now becomes something only a genius can do. Where did all that enthusiasm go? Where did the thoughts go?

And the worst part, you are sure it’s not writer’s block, because not that you only write, it’s not just coming from your heart.

“Oh God. I know what to say, but not how.”


How to come up with great creative headlinesHow to come up with great creative headlines

This is a guest article by Peter Lee. If you want to submit a guest article of your own be sure to read the guest article guidelines.

The simple truth is, your content may very well be the next best since sliced bread, but if you don’t have a strong headline that will get the readers to click on it and read the rest, you don’t really have anything. Yes, you have the finished article into which you have put your heart and soul, but if the end result is almost exactly the same as not having written anything at all, what’s the difference?

Why Are Headlines Such a Big Deal?

Now, this number varies from place to place, but on average, about 80% of the people will only read the headline, while the rest will take their time and read the actual content behind it. That is why a headline to your article is like a window to your shop. You don’t just want people to take a look at it and keep on walking. You want them to stop, peer through the glass to see what’s inside, and ultimately, come inside the store.


How to become an outstanding writerHow to become an outstanding writer

This is a guest article by Nancy Lin. If you want to submit a guest article of your own be sure to read the guest article guidelines.

An outstanding writer strives to become a perfectionist and never settles for second best. For top writers, every paragraph, whether it’s part of a novel, a short story, a shorter literary piece or even a poem, must be perfect.

It’s not just the best use of grammar and vocabulary that a writer needs to pursue but it’s how the text unites to create a unique flow of words that captivates the reader.  Once the writer has achieved an individual style it will become easily recognisable by the writer’s followers.
