Writers' Treasure Site News I am changing my domain name

I am changing my domain name

…and the focus of this blog. Previously it was just a fiction writing blog, with web talk and general natter added. Now I have expanded it to a creative writing tips and techniques blog. Conscise writing, grammar and style, technical writing etc will also be discussed here.

Previously the domain name of this blog was schoolboyauthor.wordpress.com. Now I have imported all of its posts here (with a few exceptions) and deleted that blog. The new domain shall be WritersTreasure.com. I have decided to use self-hosted WordPress.org blogging software. I will also change the design, because the previous one wasn’t at all satisfactory.

Hopefully, this will all be for the better, and this blog will get more traffic than the old one ever did (because I didn’t do any marketing even though my content was very strong – this debunks the myth ‘build it and they will come.’)

Stay tuned for more posts, and the start of the series, Creative Writing 101. In the meantime, you can visit the Writing Compelling Opening Chapters in Fiction series. Even though that was written five months ago, it still contains some very evergreen information.

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