Writers' Treasure Technical Writing,Web Writing 6 ways for beginners to start in freelance writing

6 ways for beginners to start in freelance writing

This is a guest article by Emily Johnson. If you are interested in submitting a guest article of your own, be sure to read the guest article guidelines.

Well, this is a writer’s dream come true, pet subject, etc etc, is it not? This, after all, is what we writers love and are paid to do, this is our livelihood, and we are now teaching others how to follow in our footsteps. Sweet deal? Oh yes.

Writing is not tough, for any one, contrary to what you will be made to believe at certain points. That is so because every person has something to write about, everybody has a story.

You might be thinking, so how is that going to help me write paid articles about say, investing in the stock market? I say, practice. Write more, and then every topic will see the words pouring out of you naturally.

And need I say about how profitable freelance writing is? You are paid and well, you can work from the convenience of your home, and thanks to the diversity of assignment topics, work is never boring. What more could a lover of words ask for, right?

Read on to find how exactly you can break into this mode of earning your living.

  1. Read.

This is something every good writer will tell you, from Stephen King to J. K. Rowling. The lives of authors go on to show the vast reading they have had.

The same formula can be applied to online freelance writing. If novels are not what you are looking to write, look for inspiration in the sort of writing you are willing to start doing. Read more online articles by established online writers. And without wasting too much time, you will see that you can start writing yourself, and practice will make you produce more and more appropriate output.

  1. Set aside some time for practice each day.

You know what they say, practice makes you perfect. And guess what, that does not hold true only for dreaded mathematics. It does for freelance writing as well.

Now that you know the ropes and have gotten accustomed to the tools of the trade by reading countless freelance writers online, you need to start your own writing. Find assignments and topics that interest you, and make a beginning. Increase the number of words every day, and you will be set before long. Remember, you have to invest if you want this to profit your life.

  1. Find your niche.

Every person had preferences, and every writer had niches or speciality fields in which he or she will be able to write more. And when it is a subject you like, you need to spend less effort to write on it, much like when you love your job, you never work.

So, find your arena of love, be it cooking or gadgets or beauty or movies, and you will be making good use of that keyboard before long. For example, you can start writing reviews of hover boards, consumer electronics, books… anything that you are interested in.

  1. Find some favourite authors.

Guides and beacons of inspirations are check posts in people’s lives, much more important than a lot of other stuff. It is almost as important as your own hard work that you put in. Finding a favourite author is a rare delight, their writing teaches you innumerable things about both writing and life, and on the days you are really under the weather and do not feel like a single word can emerge from you, their writing will come around to save the day and make every thing all right again.

  1. Seek out and find motivation.

Motivation is really important, especially to a beginner. It is a source of mental support, an assurance that you are on the right track, and what urges you to continue.

Motivation depends on what you want from your writing. Maybe you are looking to sound like your favourite blogger though your word pictures? Maybe you are looking for LinkedIn views? Or maybe you are looking for rent money? Find assignments that cater to your needs, and type on.

  1. Always have work samples ready, and reach out more.

These two tasks go hand in hand. In the online world where competition is stiff, you always need to be the one standing out from the crowd by virtue of just how good you are. Now, you have to take the next step and reach out to potential clients who are looking to hire writers like you. Approach them with a tailored statement of purpose, and it will increase your chances of finding work dramatically.

The other thing that should be included in your application or work proposal would be a really neat sample of your previous written work, and it should be something highly relevant to the writing role you are looking to take up. Have this in order, ensure that it is really good by your standards. After you apply, you only have to hope for the best.

Freelance writing in today’s online world is a booming industry, anticipated by Bill Gates who proclaimed that content is king. Would you want to miss out on cashing in on this phenomenon? I am sure not.

Therefore, getting started as soon as possible would be a very wise decision, and if you have no clue where to start, this article will come tailored to your rescue. So brew that coffee, grab that laptop, seize that comfy couch and start working. This is going to help your bank account loads.

Author Bio: Emily is a full-time geek, and is a fan of all things cool and sci-fi. She writes for a blog called http://theelectricwheels.com/ where she loves writing about all that she loves, and would love to spread happiness if you come talk to her.

3 thoughts on “6 ways for beginners to start in freelance writing”

  1. ey nice blog really enjoyed it.
    i think In freelance writing jobs for beginners, many writers who are new to industry didn’t know in which they are interested.

    They took any job for money, which is wrong.

    If you don’t have any specific area then choose the topics you are interested in.

    The more you write about one thing, the more you will gain knowledge.

  2. In Covid time, I am also thinking of starting writing. For this, I needed the basic idea, which I got from this post. Now I’ll definitely try to write something good.
    Thank you

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