Day: November 17, 2020

How to create character profiles for creative writingHow to create character profiles for creative writing

This is a guest article by K.T. Mehra. If you want to submit a guest article of your own, be sure to read the guest article guidelines.

Character profiles let you craft your character’s personality, history, and everything about them without needing to write a line of your actual story. Character profiles are a list of facts, questions and answers, and other details about your character that you write before-hand just for yourself. These details let you subtly allude to characteristics while not blatantly stating them in your writing. They let you have a firm identity of your character that you can unconscious reference for each and every line your character speaks.

How to create a character profile

If you want a character that your readers identify with, you should create a character profile. Creating a character profile is simple and can be done on a piece of paper or a blank word document. Begin describing what you already know about your character, imagining they’re a real person you have a relationship with..
