This is a guest article by Alisa Mayer. If you are interested in submitting a guest article of your own, be sure to read the guest article guidelines.
I know why you are here. Your writing is boring, and it has been like that for a while. You get the terrible feeling of procrastination and you have already lost your concentration. The hours seem long, but the paper stays empty. Your mind is all over the place, and your brain shuts off. You ask yourself: “What shall I do?”
Now you’re reading articles on ‘how to write articles.’ Maybe that helps. Fortunately, you are not wrong in seeking help. You can get help. But you have to understand that reading about it will not change anything unless you are determined to do something about it.
Change comes gradually, and it doesn’t come easy. If you want better articles, books, fiction stories, academic papers, essays…. then, you need to stop procrastinating and focus on your target.
Let me give you some advice on what to change or add to your daily routine. Maybe you don’t have the necessary information, or you just forgot some basics. Anyhow, I hope my list will help you remember or improve your writing lifestyle. Take a look.